Mobile Phones RJ

  1. 6. Sites used to connect with people
  2. 8. A way to connect to the internet
  3. 11. Its paid monthly
  4. 13. Things your phone can do
  5. 15. An amount that defines the quality of your camera
  1. 1. A very popular phone and electronics company
  2. 2. When you want to speak to someone, you.... them
  3. 3. The amount you use your phone
  4. 4. A way to connect to the internet
  5. 5. A lot better than 3G
  6. 7. Used instead of buttons or a QWERTY Keyboard
  7. 9. A way of communication, often used in a work place
  8. 10. You have to charge it
  9. 12. Common way of communication
  10. 14. Used to take photos