Mobile Radiography

  1. 3. anatomy that uses short axis grid
  2. 4. IR not attached to power cord; uses batteries
  3. 7. primary cause of mobile repeats
  4. 10. ____ number that assess image exposure quality
  5. 12. type of mobile equipment with serious limitations in kVp
  6. 15. preferred name for portables
  7. 17. high frequency generators move at a speed of 2.5 to ___
  8. 18. minimum number of lead aprons
  9. 20. position of II to get the greatest amount of scatter radiation to the eyes and face
  10. 24. type of unit that provides consistent radiation output
  11. 26. mobile unit that can be rotated and extended
  12. 27. IR attached to power cord
  13. 29. c-arm projection with little or no radiation exposure
  14. 30. SSD in cm for mobile units
  1. 1. aprons provides protection from
  2. 2. in high frequency generators, the kVp produces this type of ripples
  3. 5. anatomy that uses vertical axis grid
  4. 6. type of switch that allows for mobile units to move when the lever is held down
  5. 8. displays the current dynamic image
  6. 9. artifacts that can be removed
  7. 10. hours that the high frequency generators needs to charge if fully dead
  8. 11. 6:1 or 8:1 describes ____ grids
  9. 13. explain,ask, listen
  10. 14. special changes of routine projection
  11. 16. position of II to get the least amount of scatter radiation to the eyes and face
  12. 19. stores the previous image
  13. 21. not enough mA
  14. 22. describes position of CR to demonstrate air fluid levels
  15. 23. adjust image brightness regardless of exposure
  16. 25. mobile radiography requires a level of
  17. 28. mobile radiography increase possibilities of