Mobile Robots

  1. 5. One legged robot that used actuated tail to maintain its balance.
  2. 6. Murata Girl and _______ are examples of ball robot.
  3. 8. Four legged robot being developed to run fast on all types of terrain.
  4. 9. Legged robot that are not very common, since they have no biological counterparts.
  5. 10. A stair climbing robot
  6. 13. ________ Gait is when front pair of legs move forward
  7. 15. Swimming humanoid robot
  8. 16. Wheeled robot that do not require any balancing algorithms and it is the most favorable choice for the begineer.
  9. 19. Telerobotics is the combination of two major subfields, Teleoperations and ___________.
  10. 22. Robot _______ is a swimming robot with shape-memory alloy.
  11. 23. It is the used of telecommunication and information technology in order to provide clinical health care at a distance.
  12. 24. It means it can drive in any direction without turning.
  13. 26. Three legged robot that uses revolutionary passive dynamic technique.
  14. 27. Area of robotics concerned with the control of distance chiefly using wireless connection, tethered conection or internet connection.
  15. 29. Four legged robot that is powered by an engine that drives a hydraulic actuation system.
  16. 30. _______ Robots or Rolling robots
  17. 31. It is a telepresence robot that is typically contained a display mounted on a roaming base.
  18. 34. MER stands for _________ Exploration Rovers.
  19. 35. Destop telepresence robots is also called head and ________ robot.
  20. 36. It is a two armed telemanipulator used by ISS.
  21. 37. ISS stands for international _______ station.
  22. 38. ROV is ussually attach to a _________ to a control system on the surface of the ship
  1. 1. Example of three wheeled robot
  2. 2. _______ Gait is when alternating legs move forward on either side.
  3. 3. _______ robot is a robot that has four legs
  4. 4. A Roboturtle
  5. 7. Human Exploration using Real time Robotic Operation
  6. 8. Legged robot or _______ Robot
  7. 11. All terrain hex legged extra terrestrial explorer
  8. 12. _______ manipulator is used to handle radioactive materials.
  9. 14. Rotudus groundbot is an example of mobile ________.
  10. 17. Some examples of roaming teleprecence robots include beam, double, rp-vita, anybots, vgo, teleme, and ________.
  11. 18. Some examples of destop telepresence robot are _______, Galileo and Swivl
  12. 20. Self-excited tripedal Dyanamic __________ Robot or also known as STriDER.
  13. 21. MIT stands for Massachusetts Institute of ________.
  14. 25. ROV stands for Remotely Operated ______.
  15. 27. It is a telerobotic community garden for the internet.
  16. 28. Robotic ray, evolta, pacX wave Glider, is an example of _______ robot.
  17. 32. A wall climbing robot
  18. 33. Also called humanoid or two legged robot.