Model UN Vocabulary

  1. 5. Rules in which the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Regional Bodies, the Security Council, and the Historical Security Council
  2. 6. Limited time a speaker has
  3. 7. Requires a “Yes” or a “No” from every country
  4. 10. The primary mean of communication
  5. 11. When a delegate motions to change the order in which the resolutions are presented
  6. 13. Aids the Committee in its discussion and formulation or resolutions
  7. 14. This requires a two-thirds majority in order to go into effect
  8. 16. A thirty second speech, in which a delegate may request when his/her personal or national integrity has been impugned
  9. 22. Delegates may move for the suspension or adjournment of all Committee functions whenever the floor is open
  10. 26. Formal argument in which two sides are expressed
  11. 27. A rule in which you show respect to the Committee and the other delegates
  12. 28. A roll call is not required for this
  13. 29. Not allowed in the Committee room during formal debate or moderated caucus
  14. 30. This will be taken into consideration of the Committee has more than one Topic Area to discuss
  15. 31. Yielding to another delegate, to questions, or to the Chair
  16. 32. the order in which point or motions are presented
  1. 1. Formal address
  2. 2. They are held responsible to the Secretary General
  3. 3. The representation of member states
  4. 4. This can occur only after the debate on a Topic Area or amendment has been closed
  5. 8. Must have the approval of the Director and the signatures of 12 members in the General Assembly, 4 members in the Economic and Social Council and Regional Bodies, and 3 members in the Security Council and Historical Security Council.
  6. 9. A guest-speaker, expert witness, or representative
  7. 12. When the floor is open, a delegate may call for the postponement of debate on resolution
  8. 14. Verbal remark expressing one’s opinion
  9. 15. Oral or written statements made by the Secretary-General or one of the members of the Secretariat
  10. 17. Temporarily suspends formal debate, allowing members to discuss ideas informally.
  11. 18. This is introduced when it receives the approval of the Director and is signed by 25 members in the General Assembly, 8 members in the Economic and Social Council and 5 members in the Security Council and Historical Security Council
  12. 19. A delegate rises to this only when the floor is open to ask the Moderator a question about the Rules of Procedures
  13. 20. The Secretary General is the last pundit for the validity of this
  14. 21. Facilitates a debate at specific time periods in the discussion
  15. 22. List for the Topic Area being discussed
  16. 23. Decision made by the moderator and with the popular vote of a two-third majority
  17. 24. When the moderator calls all countries noted by the dais to be in attendance in alphabetical order
  18. 25. Once it is approved and has been copied and distributed, a delegate my introduce it