Modern Atlanta

  1. 6. Carter was elected to this office in 1976
  2. 10. Before the Olympics, Atlanta suffered from rising crime and ___ decay
  3. 11. Maynard Jackson brought these games to Atlanta
  4. 12. Carter focused on ___ rights all around the world
  5. 13. Andrew Young served as Ambassador to the United ____
  6. 14. While governor, Carter hired many ___ and women
  7. 17. Mayors Jackson and Young supported ___ American businesses
  8. 18. In 2002, Carter received the ___ Prize for his work
  9. 20. Jimmy Carter fought for ___ rights and equality for all
  1. 1. Served Georgia as a state senator and governor before becoming president
  2. 2. Camp ___ Accords was a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel
  3. 3. The nation's ____ suffered during Carter's presidency
  4. 4. Jimmy Carter was raised on a ____ farm in Plains, Ga
  5. 5. This word described the poor economy under Jimmy Carter
  6. 6. Atlanta saw tremendous ___ growth due to the Olympics
  7. 7. The Olympics had a ____ impact on the economy of Atlanta
  8. 8. First African American mayor of Atlanta
  9. 9. Maynard Jackson had his name added to the Atlanta ___
  10. 15. Mayor Andrew Young worked for this civil rights organization
  11. 16. Atlanta experience great ___ due to the Olympics
  12. 19. Mayor young worked along side of this civil rights leader