Modern Family crossword

  1. 3. world - A highly competitive environment where people ruthlessly pursue their own interests.
  2. 4. fun - To tease or mock someone in a playful or humorous way.
  3. 5. in disguise - Something that initially appears to be a misfortune, but ultimately turns out to be beneficial.
  4. 9. - A defect or mistake in something or someone.
  5. 10. - A thin, crisp wafer or biscuit, often eaten with cheese or dips.
  6. 13. up - To lift or take up something or someone.
  7. 14. a look at - To examine or inspect something.
  8. 15. - Extremely small or amount; miniature.
  9. 16. - you call someone like that as a sign of affection.
  1. 1. - To become aware of something through observation or attention.
  2. 2. - Truthful and sincere in speech and action.
  3. 4. - The act of saying a word or phrase incorrectly.
  4. 6. language - A language learned in addition to a person's native language.
  5. 7. - A distinctive way of pronouncing words, often associated with a particular region or country.
  6. 8. feelings - To take care not to say or do something that may hurt someone's emotions.
  7. 11. - A group of people who travel together in a car, typically to work or school, to save on transportation costs and reduce emissions.
  8. 12. - A young dog.