Modern History: Laban, Horton, and Graham

  1. 2. Graham was called "Dance of the ______"
  2. 5. Martha Graham was born in
  3. 6. Horton has 17 _________________.
  4. 7. rebelled against ballet, too _____
  5. 10. knees bent and pelvis pressed forward
  6. 11. the back is parallel to the floor
  7. 13. Graham choreography expressed human ____
  8. 16. strengthens abs and back
  9. 19. Lamentation premiered here
  10. 20. Horton Technique emphasizes the ___ body
  11. 21. Horton student that created Revelations
  12. 22. Martha Graham School of ______ Dance
  1. 1. Rudolf's contribution to modern dance
  2. 3. 1 founder of European Modern Dance
  3. 4. ___________ and Release
  4. 8. Tilting the torso to resemble a T
  5. 9. Horton is an _________ approach to dance
  6. 12. Lamentation shows the essence of _______
  7. 14. Martha Graham studied dance here
  8. 15. Labanotation uses _________ symbols
  9. 17. Fall and ____________
  10. 18. Feet are ____________ in modern dance