Modern Latin America & Modern Day Issues

  1. 1. The illegal production of drugs in Latin American countries.
  2. 6. Rules that restrict humans from their natural rights.
  3. 8. The opportunity for individuals to receive quality education.
  4. 11. Substances made from chemicals to eliminate insects.
  5. 12. A period of time where the agricultural productivity increased due to agricultural practices and technologies.
  6. 13. The effort to improve the education system.
  7. 14. An organization that promotes peace and cooperation among other nations internationally.
  8. 16. The wars fought by Latin American to gain independence from European colonial powers.
  9. 17. International organizations that helps to establish agreements.
  10. 18. When a single individual or group holds power within the government.
  11. 20. The practice of harming the natural environment through human activities such as pollution.
  1. 2. The movements of people or goods through vehicles.
  2. 3. Increasing worldwide connection through trades, transportation, technologies and more.
  3. 4. A series of countries that produces oil and stabilizes oil prices.
  4. 5. An organization that deals with the rules among other nations regrading trades.
  5. 7. The amount of crops produced in a given area.
  6. 9. The unequal distribution of wealth among people within the society.
  7. 10. The practice of stabling soil fertility in farming.
  8. 15. A group of organized individuals that aims to make political changes.
  9. 19. An online platform that helps people to communicate across the world.