Modern Latin America & Modern Day Issues

  1. 2. Something that takes away a persons legal right
  2. 6. Has most European countries which have less taxes and a common currency
  3. 9. Increase in the worlds tempreature
  4. 10. The conflict between the US and the Soviet Union
  5. 11. After the Death of Peron
  6. 15. The world being connected
  7. 16. Dictator in Argentina that created peronnism
  8. 17. A ruler that has all the power
  9. 18. Military takeover
  10. 19. Leader that got power through a coupdetat that was supported by the US
  1. 1. A human rights organization that wanted to find the people that disappeared
  2. 3. The value of goods in a country
  3. 4. Communist leaders
  4. 5. When the US supported dictators to stop the spread of communism
  5. 7. When other countries have things that originated in the US
  6. 8. A combination of authoritarianism and social programs
  7. 12. Creates international trade between 164 countries
  8. 13. Not having enough of something
  9. 14. Time in which technology was used to increase food supply
  10. 20. Middle eastern countries wanted to control the oil that was coming form their land