Modern technology

  1. 4. A crime committed using social media
  2. 6. What the 'fi' mean in WiFi?
  3. 7. (Blank) hat hackers that are criminals
  4. 10. A modern device that has lots of systems built into it
  5. 13. hardware in the device that stores data already in use
  6. 14. (blank)wide web
  7. 17. A wireless form of connection between devices
  8. 19. The worlds biggest network
  9. 20. malicious software that damages your computer files
  10. 21. A mouse is an example of this (blank) device
  11. 22. An example of an output device
  12. 23. The most popular social network platform
  1. 1. The most important software on any device
  2. 2. The term used when backing up to the ?
  3. 3. Finger print password
  4. 5. What does the 'P' stand for in CPU?
  5. 8. V stands for in VPN
  6. 9. A professional who writes code
  7. 11. shopping online
  8. 12. a form of protection when on the internet
  9. 14. (Blank) hat hackers that are legally employed to hack
  10. 15. Another name for a PC - ? computer
  11. 16. A technique criminals use to get your data
  12. 18. Professional software used to edit pictures