Modern World History - Final Exam Review 5

  1. 2. This treaty brought World War I to a conclusion.
  2. 3. A group of the United States, Canada, and 10 other nations to counter Soviet aggression in Europe after WW2.
  3. 5. Until the war in Afghanistan, this was America's longest war.
  4. 7. Site of MacArthur's desperate invasion to relieve US and UN forces in Korea.
  5. 12. Communist leader of North Vietnam.
  6. 14. Iraqi dictator that invaded Kuwait in 1990.
  7. 15. This is fought with words, diplomacy, and ideologies.
  8. 20. First black leader in South Africa.
  9. 21. This city was the 2nd Japanese city to be hit by an atomic bomb.
  10. 22. Russian word for "openness" and signaled a softening of previous Soviet rhetoric.
  11. 23. This battle was fought without the battleships ever sighting one another.
  12. 24. First and only female prime minister of India.
  13. 25. Site of the first city hit by atomic weapons in World War II.
  14. 26. Reformer who became Soviet Premier in 1985.
  15. 28. Terrorist group formed against Israel to create a Palestinian homeland inside of Israel.
  16. 29. Father of the Hydrogen bomb.
  17. 30. One of the early leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
  18. 31. This was was so named because of its longevity and saw Israel take the Sinai peninsula and the West Bank.
  1. 1. Soviet premier after Stalin's death; took power in 1956.
  2. 4. First woman to lead Great Britain and the longest tenured prime minister in the 20th century.
  3. 6. Volcanic island in the Pacific that saw some of the most desperate fighting in World War II.
  4. 8. Site of the historic peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1979.
  5. 9. Communist revolutionary who took over Cuba in 1959.
  6. 10. Radical Muslim cleric who became the head of Iran after the Iranian Revolution.
  7. 11. This battle was considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific.
  8. 13. Cuban dictator that was overthrown in 1959.
  9. 16. Largest amphibious invasion in human history.
  10. 17. Husband/wife team that were arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for treason when they passed nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.
  11. 18. Leader of South Vietnam
  12. 19. This war started during the holiest of Jewish holidays.
  13. 27. Conservative president of the United States from 1981-1989.