Modern World History

  1. 4. European power, Japan beat up
  2. 5. created natural rights
  3. 6. was hard to conquer/disease/size
  4. 8. powered the industrial revolution
  5. 12. taking over other nations
  6. 13. lowest class in India
  7. 15. owned Belgian Congo
  8. 17. a conference for diving Africa
  9. 18. year long period of killing
  10. 20. independent bullied Country
  1. 1. powered trains
  2. 2. China and zulus fought with these
  3. 3. had laregest empire ever
  4. 7. had no interest in Africa
  5. 9. king Mongut Sons
  6. 10. cloth China had
  7. 11. A drug India had
  8. 14. largest African Empire
  9. 16. had opium and tea
  10. 19. Napoleon ruled this