Modes of Transportation 2

  1. 4. The material used for the tires of the bicycles built after the Hobbyhorse
  2. 8. To what does gasoline have harmful effect to
  3. 11. People could take this with their family members using the Model T cars
  4. 13. A characteristic of what a modern car uses instead of gasoline
  5. 14. The best known out of the steam-powered cars
  6. 15. This was used to turn the car
  1. 1. An early version of the modern bicycle
  2. 2. The surname of the person who build the Model T in 1908
  3. 3. What an internal combustion in cars was fuelled by
  4. 5. The type of tires on modern bicycles, suitable for riding on roads
  5. 6. The amount of cars that were owned by Americans by the 1920's
  6. 7. The material used for the frame of bicycles built after the Hobbyhorse
  7. 9. The type of tires on modern bicycles, suitable for riding on rough ground
  8. 10. This was added to the bicycle to move and stop it
  9. 12. The earliest cars were powered by this