Module 10 Lesson 3

  1. 2. First emperor of the Ming Dynasty, drove Mongols out of China, Korea, and Manchuria.
  2. 5. Native people of Manchuria, ruled China during the Qing Dynasty.
  3. 10. A ritual that involved kneeling in front of the emperor and touching one's head to the ground 9 times.
  4. 15. An island country located in East Asia
  5. 16. A chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644.
  6. 18. Japanese general who served under Oda and succeeded in controlling much of Japan.
  7. 20. The art of beautiful writing; many Chinese artists developed their own style of this. With this art form the painting of Chinese characters attains great beauty.
  8. 21. A dynasty of shoguns who ruled unified Japan from 1603 to 1867.
  9. 28. A Jesuit who led the first Christian missionary to Japan.
  10. 29. The title of the military dictators of Japan.
  1. 1. The form of buddhism that had the greatest impact on Japan's culture.
  2. 3. When Yonglo made Beijing the Chinese capital, he ordered for construction of a great palace complex to symbolize his power and might.
  3. 4. A great piece of traditional Chinese fiction that was written in early modern China by Cao Zhan
  4. 6. A chinese writer who lived during the Qing Dynasty.
  5. 7. Last Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1649 to 1912.
  6. 8. A type of Japanese drama in which music, dance, and mime are used to display stories.
  7. 9. A Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai.
  8. 11. Ambitious Japanese warrior-chieftain who tried to, unsuccessfully, unify Japan under harsh rule in 1568.
  9. 12. Chinese emperor of the Qing Dynasty 1661 to 1722.His reign consisted of internal peace.
  10. 13. In 1793, he delivered a letter from King George III to Qianlong. The Letter asked for better trade arrangements, including Chinese acceptance of British Goods. But when he delivered it he didn't kowtow, and Qianlong denied Britain's request.
  11. 14. A Japanese form of poetry that consists of 3 unrhymed lines of 5,7,and 5 syllables.
  12. 17. Third emperor of the Ming Dynasty who ordered reconstruction of Beijing and made it the new capital.
  13. 19. Admiral,diplomat,and explorer during the Ming Dynasty. His chinese fleet visited 30+ countries.
  14. 21. Built during the Qin Dynasty,but was rebuilt and extended during the Ming Dynasty.
  15. 22. Cannons had a huge impact on warfare and life in Japan; to defeat this problem the daimyo had to build forcefield castles, like this one, to withstand cannonballs.
  16. 23. A peninsular region in East Asia, which since 1945 has been divided into 2 regions.
  17. 24. A woman trained to assist women in childbirth;what many women in China did due to being forced remain scheduled in their homes.
  18. 25. Dramas that the samurai attended, were based on tragic themes.
  19. 26. The emperor who was reigning the Qing Dynasty when the Dutch were masters of the Indian Ocean trade.
  20. 27. A country located in East Asia, the world's most populous country.