Module 11- Respiratory System

  1. 1. pertaining to the lungs
  2. 4. study of x rays
  3. 8. inflammation of the throat
  4. 10. pertaining to within the windpipe
  5. 14. pertaining to deficient oxygen to the tissues
  6. 17. inflammation of the bronchi
  7. 19. deficient oxygen in the blood
  8. 21. record of x rays
  9. 22. pertaining to a segment of the lung
  10. 28. pertaining to difficulty in speaking
  11. 30. pertaining to the diaphragm
  12. 35. surgical repair of the nose
  13. 36. process of measuring oxygen
  14. 37. inflammation of the sinuses
  15. 40. discharge from the nose
  16. 41. pertaining to the covering of a lung
  17. 43. inflammation of the nose
  18. 45. instrument used for visual examination of the bronchi
  19. 47. pertaining to the absence of oxygen
  20. 48. pertaining to the septum
  21. 51. the study of lungs
  22. 52. instrument used to measure oxygen
  23. 56. instrument used to measure carbon dioxide
  24. 58. inflammation of voice box
  25. 59. pertaining to difficult breathing
  26. 62. pertaining to the windpipe
  27. 63. pertaining to the throat
  28. 64. instrument used for visual examination within a hollow organ
  29. 65. pertaining to the voicebox
  30. 68. pertaining to the absence of voice
  31. 70. pertaining to the voice
  32. 71. physician who studies and treats diseases of the lung
  33. 74. excision of the voice box
  34. 75. surgical repair of the bronchus
  35. 76. absence of carbon dioxide
  36. 77. pertaining to the alveolus
  37. 78. process of recording in slices
  38. 79. incision into the sinus
  39. 80. spasmodic contraction of the bronchi
  40. 81. narrowing of the bronchi
  41. 82. pertaining to the nose and throat
  1. 2. excision of the lobe of a lung
  2. 3. difficulty breathing
  3. 5. pertaining to the nose
  4. 6. creation of artificial opening into the windpipe
  5. 7. record of sound
  6. 9. deficient breathing
  7. 11. rapid flow of blood from the nose
  8. 12. inflammation of the epiglottis
  9. 13. physician who specializes in x rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields
  10. 15. incision into the chest cavity
  11. 16. process of recording the bronchus
  12. 18. diseased state of the bronchi and lungs
  13. 20. excessive breathing
  14. 23. pertaining to the chest
  15. 24. pertaining to the destruction of mucus
  16. 25. surgical incision into the nose
  17. 26. pertaining to mucus
  18. 27. pertaining to within the pleura
  19. 29. surgical repair of the septum
  20. 31. pertaining to the diaphragm
  21. 32. instrument used for visual exam of the voice box
  22. 33. absence of breathing
  23. 34. inflammation of the nose and throat
  24. 38. surgical repair of the voice box
  25. 39. pertaining to the bronchus
  26. 42. excision of a lung
  27. 44. able to breath only in a straight position
  28. 46. pertaining to absence of breathing
  29. 49. pain the chest
  30. 50. process of visual examination of the bronchi
  31. 53. normal breathing
  32. 54. process of visual examination of the voice box
  33. 55. hernia of the diaphragm
  34. 57. surgical repair of the windpipe
  35. 60. pertaining to the bronchi and alveoli
  36. 61. excessive carbon dioxide in the blood
  37. 66. abnormal condition of fungus in the nose
  38. 67. spasmodic contraction of the voice box
  39. 69. record of the bronchus
  40. 72. process of measuring breathing
  41. 73. rapid breathing