Module 12-1 & 12-2 Plant structure and function

  1. 2. process by which plants use sunlight to produce foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  2. 8. tissue that carries water and material through the plant. Function like blood vessels in animals. 2 types.
  3. 9. plant system that absorbs water and minerals.
  4. 12. cells that can develop into any tissue a plant needs.
  5. 14. collection of tissues specialized to perform a particular function. plants have 2 types.
  6. 15. ground tissue storing starches and oils and involved in metabolism.
  7. 19. a collection of similar cells performing an organized function for the plant. (4 types)
  8. 23. organs of a plant not involved in reproduction, (stems, roots, leaves).
  9. 24. The process by which a single parent cell divides to make two new daughter cells.
  10. 25. dead ground tissue that provides support and protection.
  11. 27. living vascular tissue that carries sugar and organic substances throughout a plant. Cells continue to live after they mature.
  12. 28. most common tissue in a plant. (3 types)
  13. 29. system when the primary root contimues to grow and becomes the main root.
  14. 31. serves as a barrier to keep water from leaving a plant in dry conditions, helps to keep out insects, fungi and diseases. Important in the formation of cell walls because it provides rigidity and does not rot easily.
  15. 34. ground tissue that helps support young stems, roots and petioles.(strings you find in celery).
  16. 37. organs of a plant such as flowers, fruits and seeds.
  17. 38. the stalk that joins a leaf to a stem.
  18. 39. plants without roots that absorb water and minerals from the air such as mosses.
  1. 1. region where most of the growth of the root takes place through mitosis.
  2. 3. an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
  3. 4. outer covering of a plant. tissue made of a single layers of cells. Protects the plant providing a shield. absorbs water and minerals.
  4. 5. the process of changing foods into energy.
  5. 6. an organism or a cell that has a nucleus and organelles.
  6. 7. first root when a seed begins to sprout
  7. 10. cells without a particular function (stem cells)
  8. 11. the study of life processes in an organism, daily function.
  9. 13. tissue containing stem cells and found at the tips of roots and shoots where new plant tissues are made.
  10. 14. compartments within the cell that perform a specific function.
  11. 16. an insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls.
  12. 17. controls and regulates the activities of a cell.
  13. 18. anchor the plant, store food, absorb water and nutrients from the plants surroundings and transport them to where they are needed.
  14. 20. flowering plant with a fibrous root system
  15. 21. vascular plant that reproduces by means of an exposed seed
  16. 22. plant system composed of leaves and stems.
  17. 26. most active site of cell division allowing the root to grow in length.
  18. 30. nonliving vascular tissue that carries water and disolved minerals from the roots of a plant to its leaves. Cells die when they mature.
  19. 32. the basic unit of life. the smallest known unit that performs all of life’s functions.
  20. 33. flowering plant with a taproot system.
  21. 35. composed of dead thick walled cells to prevent the root as it forces its way down into the soil.
  22. 36. root system when the primary root branches until the root system looks like an underground bush.