module 13

  1. 4. invented the harvesting machine
  2. 9. allowed customers to buy his machines on credit and provided a repair service
  3. 13. mass production of guns for the government using water powered machinery
  4. 16. stradegy of hiring families and dividing factory work into simple tasks.
  5. 17. groups that tried to raise pay by protesting
  6. 20. built a locomotive called the tom thumb
  7. 22. created the lowell industry where women work.
  8. 23. an inventor
  9. 24. labor unions staged protest
  10. 25. reached the supreme court in 1824,it controlled the waterways regulations.
  1. 1. combinations of dots and dashes that make up a program
  2. 2. the tools used to produce items or to do work
  3. 3. thought steel parts for a plow would be efficient
  4. 5. a period of rapid growth in the speed and convenience of travel because of new methods of transportation.
  5. 6. water powered textile mills that employed young unmarried women from local farms
  6. 7. parts of a machine that are identical
  7. 8. perfected the telegraph
  8. 10. british mechanic, immigrated to u.s. memorized the designs of textile mill machines
  9. 11. the efficient production of large numbers of identical goods
  10. 12. a full sized commercial steam boat
  11. 14. cloths items.
  12. 15. a device that could send information over wires from a great distance
  13. 18. a period of rapid growth in using machines for manufacturing and production that began in the mid 1700s.
  14. 19. brithish entrepeneur who invented a large spinning machine called a water frame.
  15. 21. s skilled brittish mechanic