Module 2

  1. 2. ______________ sulfate: medication given to prevent seizures in pre-eclampsia
  2. 4. tool used to explore and communicate childbirth options
  3. 6. excessive salivation
  4. 7. rebound of fetal head with gentle upward pressure during cervical exam
  5. 10. _______ Syndrome: change in blood pressure due to compression of the abdominal blood vessels
  6. 11. cardiac ________: cardiac parameter that increases during pregnancy
  7. 14. end to pregnancy due to natural causes before 20 weeks' of pregnancy
  8. 15. _______ height: measurement used to assess fetal growth
  9. 17. process by which germ cells divide
  10. 20. one of segments that pregnancy is broken up into
  11. 21. Union of a single egg and sperm
  12. 23. Umbilical ______: blood vessel that carries deoxygenated blood from the fetus to the placenta
  13. 25. first fetal movements felt by the pregnant person
  14. 29. Placenta __________: condition where the placenta covers the cervical os
  15. 31. term used to describe the developing baby between Day 15 until about Week 8
  16. 32. ___________ anemia: development of anemia due to rapid expansion of blood volume
  17. 33. birth worker trained to provide physical, emotional, and informational support
  18. 34. darkening of the skin due to pregnancy
  19. 35. hormone that is the basis for pregnancy tests
  20. 36. __________'s Method: method to determine the estimated date of confinement
  1. 1. common postnatal mood disorder that is self-limited
  2. 3. male and female germ cell
  3. 5. ____________ Syndrome: severe version of pre-eclampsia
  4. 8. substances that can cause abnormal fetal development
  5. 9. term used to described the developing baby from Week 9 to birth
  6. 12. temporary organ that has both endocrine and metabolic functions
  7. 13. _________ fluid: fluid that surrounds the embryo/fetus in the uterus
  8. 14. process by which body cells replicate
  9. 16. excessive bleeding due to consumption of platelets
  10. 18. __________ Acid: B Vitamin used to decrease the risk of the development of open neural tube defects
  11. 19. substance that accumulates in the fetal gut
  12. 22. _____________ Hypertension: when the patient has been diagnosed with hypertension before pregnancy
  13. 24. craving for non-food substances
  14. 26. __________ count: assessment of fetal well-being
  15. 27. _____________ Diabetes Mellitus: when the patient is diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus ONLY in pregnancy
  16. 28. common symptom of preeclampsia
  17. 30. blood product given to prevent isoimmunization