Module 2 Activity: Life and Works of Rizal

  1. 3. Rizal's uncle who taught him athletics and wrestling
  2. 5. a priest who defended Rizal's Noli me Tangere
  3. 7. this is where Rizal attended lectures in history and psychology
  4. 8. symbolism of the book cover of Noli me Tangere which means slavery and imprisonment
  5. 11. symbolism of the book cover of Noli me Tangere which means awakening of Filipino consciousness
  6. 13. talent of Rizal that he developed during his stay in Paris
  7. 16. an era inaugurated by a 14-year old Prince Mutsuhito to signify the end of feudal society and the advent of westernized, industrialized society in Japan
  8. 18. Rizal left this country under the name Jose Mercado
  9. 19. a book that Rizal sent to Blumentritt
  10. 20. a man made canal connecting Europe with Asia
  11. 22. a country that declared its independence against Portugal Cortes with the monarch Prince Pedro
  12. 24. second surname of the Rizal family which means "ricial" in spaish
  13. 25. Rizal wrote this under Circulo-Hispano Filipino
  14. 27. this is where Rizal studied after finishing his fourth year medical course
  15. 28. Noli me tangere character who's the main villain and the real father of Maria Clara
  16. 29. Spanish word which means outstanding
  1. 1. Rizal wrote this poem that is dedicated to the industrious workers of Lipa, Batangas
  2. 2. a safe place for Rizal to carry his fight against Spanish tyranny
  3. 4. acted as a main instrument of propaganda movement
  4. 6. a pen name used by Rizal when he wrote his first essay in Europe
  5. 9. pure-blooded Spanish born in the Philippines
  6. 10. social status of Rizal's family
  7. 12. this is where Rizal studied and took vocational course leading to the title Perito Agrimensor
  8. 14. Rizal's first essay that he wrote in Europe when he was 21 years old.
  9. 15. Rizal's rank among his siblings
  10. 17. Noli me Tangere character who's the elder of the two sacristan of the church in San Diego
  11. 21. he funded the Espana en Filipinas
  12. 23. Rizal visited this country in September 1888
  13. 26. real surname of the Rizal family which means "market" in Spanish
  14. 30. pure-blooded native in the Philippines