Module 2 Crossword 1

  1. 2. Coronavirus zoonosis caused by transmission from Neuromicia capensis bats >> camels >> humans
  2. 3. Protein encoded at 5’ end of SARS-CoV-2 gene
  3. 4. Study in 'real-time' with new data being produced
  4. 5. Both protein and mRNA drive proliferation of infected T cell expressed constitutively at steady state
  5. 7. Recombinant erythropoietin to combat anaemia
  6. 8. Cardiomyopahty characterised by increased LF thickness autosomal dominant inheritance caused by mutation in sarcomere proteins
  7. 11. fever immune response to Strep pyogenes and causes pharyngitis from Ab cross-reactivity
  8. 12. HTLV-associated myelopathy no effective therapy paralysis of spine constipation impotence
  9. 13. Sudden episode of kidney injury which occurs over hours/days
  10. 14. Measuring tool for obesity in children
  11. 15. Staining to detect T cells in diabetes
  12. 16. HTLV-associated disease median survival <1yr resistant to chemotherapy
  13. 17. Lymphocytic infiltration targeting islets of Langerhans can be peri or intra
  1. 1. Order of coronavirus family
  2. 2. Elevated albumin levels in response to kidney damage
  3. 6. Anti-CD3 Ab that can delay diabetes onset by 2 years
  4. 9. Study involving pulling out data and finding conclusions from what has already happened
  5. 10. Includes myocardial infarction and unstable angina
  6. 13. Proteins encoded at 3’ end of SARS-CoV-2 gene
  7. 18. Potein that drives proliferation and pathogenesis of HTLV-1 released as a ‘burst’