Module 2: Respiratory System

  1. 2. The gas exchange between the lungs and the circulatory system
  2. 3. inserted under the skin, below the right clavicle, with the electrodes placed into the right ventricle
  3. 5. A systemic, fungal infection of the lungs particularly endemic to semi-arid climates
  4. 8. A fungal infection caused by a dimorphic fungus, which thrives in the soil, especially soil that is fueled by bird or bat excrement
  5. 11. Results from inhalation of foreign inorganic dust, most commonly from a particular work environment
  6. 12. Cavities lined with respiratory epithelium and communicate with the nasal cavities
  7. 13. Captures information regarding metabolic activity within the chest, making it useful in distinguishing benign from malignant lesions
  8. 14. Low oxygen levels within the arterial blood and resulting from a failure of the gas exchange function
  9. 15. an autosomal recessive gene that affects the function of exocrine glands
  10. 16. Trachea, bronchi, alveoli, and lungs
  1. 1. Distal end of the catheter allows for inflation and deflation by a pump that is synchronized to the patient’s cardiac cycle to provide mechanical support of the left ventricle
  2. 4. Contains primarily lymphatic tissue, heart, great vessels, esophagus, and trachea
  3. 6. A localized area of dead (necrotic) lung tissue surrounded by inflammatory debris
  4. 7. Effusion caused from inflammation, as in pleurisy, a pulmonary embolism, or a neoplasm
  5. 9. A lack of respiratory function or a lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange
  6. 10. Lack of respiratory function or lack of proper oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange