Module 3 - Logic and Proof

  1. 5. compound statement with or
  2. 6. a line that intersects two or more lines at different points
  3. 7. any sentence that is either true or false
  4. 8. statement with hypothesis and conclusion
  5. 10. compound statement with and
  6. 13. used to disprove a conjecture
  7. 15. law that states if a implies b and b implies c, then a implies c
  8. 16. the opposite meaning of a statement
  9. 17. the truth or falsity of a statement
  10. 20. formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion
  11. 21. formed by exchanging and negating the hypothesis and conclusion
  12. 22. law that says is the hypothesis is true then the conclusion must be true
  1. 1. in a conditional it follows if
  2. 2. if and only if statement
  3. 3. property that states if A = B and B = C, then A = C
  4. 4. property that states that A = A
  5. 7. when you replace a statement with something it is equal to
  6. 8. in a conditional it follows then
  7. 9. educated guess
  8. 11. reasoning based on rules or definitions
  9. 12. reasoning based on observed pattern
  10. 13. two or more statements joined by "and" or "or"
  11. 14. property that states if A = B, the B = A
  12. 18. formed by negating hypothesis and conclusion
  13. 19. a logical argument in which each statement is supported by a true statement