Module 3: Respiratory System Vocabulary

  1. 2. Against + acetylcholine, an agent that inhibits the physiological action of acetylcholine
  2. 3. Against + histamine, a drug or other compound that inhibits the effects of histamine; often used to treat allergies
  3. 5. Before + guard, treatment given before an event or exposure to prevent the condition or symptom
  4. 7. A drug that helps remove mucous secretions from the respiratory system; it loosens and thins sputum and bronchial secretions for ease of expectoration
  5. 8. A respiratory tract infection caused by an influenza virus
  6. 10. Remove + congestion, a drug that shrinks the swollen membranes in the nasal cavity, making it easier to breathe
  7. 14. In + breath, the act of breathing in; inhalation
  8. 17. Against + cough, a drug that can decrease the central nervous system coughing reflex
  9. 18. The major lung air passages that diverge from the windpipe
  1. 1. Through + fence, a dome-shaped, muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen that plays a major role in breathing
  2. 4. Out + breath, the act of breathing out; exhalation
  3. 6. Small branches that divide from the bronchus in the lungs
  4. 9. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange takes place
  5. 11. A substance that causes an allergic reaction
  6. 12. To draw a foreign substance into the respiratory tract during inhalation
  7. 13. Bad + breathing, difficult or labored breathing
  8. 15. Fluid (mucus) expectorated from the lungs and bronchial tissues
  9. 16. Short, microscopic, hairlike structures