  1. 4. those that have rights and given consideration
  2. 6. our ego should be same with that of the nature.
  3. 8. Philosophical view in which man is considered the center of nature. That every other living and non-living entities is subject to benefit humans.
  4. 9. politics have played a huge role in the destruction of nature
  5. 11. view that women should revert back what men have taken from nature
  1. 1. Regard is given to all living and non-living entities that are part of nature. Equal regard is given to anything connected to the environment
  2. 2. ability to feel pain and pleasure
  3. 3. View in which regard is given to beings who can feel pain and pleasure (man and animals)
  4. 5. obligation of moral agents to those with moral standing
  5. 7. Regard is given to any organism teeming with life (man, animals, plants)
  6. 10. refer to anyone who is an adult with a sound mind