Module 6 Lessons 1 and 2 (Study Sheet)

  1. 3. Which crop did Chinese farmers discover grew well in the Chang Jiang Valley?
  2. 5. a hard gemstone
  3. 6. A legendary emperor, Yu the Great, is believed to have founded the _____ dynasty around 2200 BC.
  4. 11. moral values
  5. 14. Which geographical feature south of the Tibetan Plateau forms part of China's southern border?
  6. 15. Shang society valued the connection between one generation and the next and therefore people worshiped their _____.
  7. 17. China's first writing system used _____, symbols that express words or ideas.
  8. 20. an early Chinese belief that stressed living in harmony with the guiding force of all reality
  9. 21. The Daoist teacher Laozi believed the most important goal in life was to become one with _____.
  10. 22. One of the physical barriers that separates China from the outside world is a desert called the _____.
  11. 23. Daoist philosophy spread throughout Korea and _____, mainly by merchants and missionaries along trade routes.
  12. 24. The Zhou Empire declined as _____ refused to respect the authority of the kings.
  1. 1. On what did Zhou leaders base their right to rule?
  2. 2. the most famous Daoist teacher
  3. 4. an early Chinese belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled
  4. 7. The Shang social order had the ruler and nobles at the top and _____ in the middle.
  5. 8. farmers with small farms
  6. 9. Confucius believed that the best way to raise good children is to set a good ______.
  7. 10. a prediction
  8. 12. people of high rank
  9. 13. Confucius's teachings are guidelines of how people should treat each other, or _____.
  10. 16. the most influential teacher in Chinese history
  11. 18. the ideas of Confucius
  12. 19. The _____ or Yellow River, has caused severe flooding resulting in the deaths of millions of Chinese people.