Module 6 Vocabulary - no grade earned - use this to study

  1. 5. A concept where the state assumes the role of a parent in dealing with children and bad behavior.
  2. 6. The equivalent of a criminal complaint in adult court.
  3. 7. Behavior that violates criminal law, juvenile status offenses, and other rules directed specifically at juveniles.
  4. 8. A process where a particular juvenile might be sent to the adult court for criminal prosecution.
  1. 1. The equivalent of a trial in the adult court where the judge hears evidencee and decides if the allegations in the petition are supported.
  2. 2. A person who is below the minimum age to be considred a legal adult.
  3. 3. The equivalent of a sentencing hearing in adult court where the judge decides what treatment or penalty will be imposed.
  4. 4. A review by the court personnel to decide on diversion or adjudication.