Module 6&7 Crossword

  1. 2. Citizens selected for _____ duty and required to serve as an arbiter of the facts in a court of law
  2. 5. Anything not based on personal knowledge of a witness
  3. 6. ______ Probation Supervision is a form of probation supervision involving frequent face-to-face contact between the probationer and the probation officer
  4. 10. ______ punishment is the most extreme sentencing option
  5. 11. Using the example or threat of punishment to convince people that criminal activity is not worthwhile
  6. 15. A sentence of imprisonment that is suspended and served while under supervision in the community
  7. 16. An act or failure to act by a parolee that does not conform to the conditions of parole
  8. 17. An ______ witness has special knowledge and skills recognized by the court as relevant to the determination of guilt or innocence
  9. 18. An attorney who is responsible for presenting the state’s case against the defendant
  10. 19. Probation is the most ________ form of criminal sentencing in the United States
  1. 1. The act of taking revenge on a criminal perpetrator
  2. 3. An elected or appointed public official who presides over a court of law
  3. 4. _____ sentencing is a sentence explicitly requiring the convicted offender to serve a period of confinement followed by a period of probation
  4. 5. _____ arrest is when Offenders are confined to their own residences
  5. 7. are often the most forgotten people in the courtroom
  6. 8. ______ witness is a Nonexpert witness who may be subpoenaed by either the prosecution or defense
  7. 9. _______ sentencing is a structured sentencing scheme that allows no leeway in the nature of the sentence imposed
  8. 11. ______ counsel is an attorney who represents the accused before the court and ensures the defendant’s civil rights are not violated
  9. 12. Examination in court of the issues of fact and relevant law in a case for convicting or acquitting a defendant
  10. 13. A court requirement that an alleged or convicted offender pay money or provide services to the victim of the crime or provide services to the community
  11. 14. Conditional supervised early release of inmates from correctional confinement