Module 8 Crossword

  1. 2. After the repeal of the _______ doctrine, many countries began to leave the Soviet Union
  2. 3. This concrete object, built in 1961, separated Germany's capital for over 2 decades
  3. 5. This 1948 policy sent nearly $13billion to all the major countries of Europe to help prevent the spread of communism
  4. 6. Mao Zedong's plan to remove all ancient Chinese culture and replace it with communist ideals
  5. 12. This Asian country had been a former French colony, eventually leading to a war in the 1960s and '70s before being split in half
  6. 14. An alliance between the communist countries in Europe created in 1955. Once a country joins, they are not allowed to leave the alliance.
  7. 15. In the early 1960s, the Soviet Union began to place missiles in this Caribbean country, leading to a crisis between the USA and Soviet Union
  8. 18. The move for India's independence from Great Britain was achieved through a series of non-violent protests and acts of civil disobedience all led by Mahatma _____
  9. 19. The Soviet Union fears an invasion and therefore wants to surround itself with spheres of ______
  10. 21. ____ Zedong, leader of communist China from 1949-1976
  11. 22. The US plan to prevent communism from spreading
  12. 23. After WWII, Korea was split into a communist _____ and a non-communist south
  13. 24. After WWII, Japan is no longer allowed to have a ____, but instead creates a self-defense force
  14. 25. The Berlin Wall eventually was torn down in _____ 1989, symbolizing the end of the Soviet Union and uniting Germany as one country again
  1. 1. The Russian word for economic reforms put in place by Mikhail Gorbachev in the 1980s
  2. 4. The Russian word for Mikhail Gorbachev's policy for openness, allowing people to voice their opinions about the government
  3. 7. This 1947 policy provided money to any country resisting the Soviet Union
  4. 8. In 1949, this Asian country becomes communist
  5. 9. After WWII, the USA helps Japan write a new _____, modeled after the one the USA has
  6. 10. After WWII, the USA occupies this Asian country for 6 years to help them rebuild
  7. 11. In 1949, this country gets their own atomic bomb
  8. 13. An army of over 10 million Chinese college students who were actively destroying ancient Chinese statues and western books, as well as removing people in positions of power as part of the Cultural Revolution
  9. 15. The Cold War was a fight between capitalism and _____
  10. 16. After WWII, this European country is split between a communist east and non-communist west
  11. 17. In 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded this German city, resulting in the USA and UK having to send supplies via airplanes
  12. 20. Mao Zedong's plan to make China the #2 economy in the world by placing the Chinese people in communes for work was known as the Great Leap _____