Module One

  1. 2. – to relax
  2. 8. - to play with bubbles
  3. 9. - with what did you play?
  4. 10. - when I was little (male)
  5. 11. – to celebrate
  6. 12. - to tell stories
  7. 16. - what did you eat?
  8. 17. - to get along well with
  9. 19. – to surprise
  10. 21. – to invite
  11. 23. - to share
  12. 24. - to be mischievous
  13. 33. - when I was # years old...
  14. 34. - to dress up (costumes)
  15. 38. - to get along poorly with
  16. 42. - how were you as a child?
  17. 43. – wedding anniversary
  18. 47. - in the past
  19. 48. – wedding
  20. 50. - to tell jokes
  21. 53. - to jump rope
  22. 55. – guest (male)
  23. 56. - baptism
  24. 57. - mi childhood
  25. 58. - to play with dolls
  26. 59. - Easter
  27. 60. - to play inside of the house
  1. 1. - when I was young
  2. 3. - to play with stuffed animals
  3. 4. - to play
  4. 5. – celebrations
  5. 6. – party
  6. 7. - what did you do?
  7. 13. – to have fun
  8. 14. - to have a good time
  9. 15. - to play hide and seek
  10. 18. - to ride a tricycle
  11. 20. - to fight
  12. 22. - when I was...
  13. 25. - to climb trees
  14. 26. - as a child (male)
  15. 27. - to play house
  16. 28. - to play with action figures
  17. 29. - to play in the sandbox
  18. 30. - to play outside of the house
  19. 31. – surprise
  20. 32. – fifteenth birthday celebration
  21. 35. – to smile
  22. 36. - to laugh
  23. 37. - to play in the mud
  24. 39. - when I was a child (male)
  25. 40. – to toast (with a drink)
  26. 41. – holiday
  27. 44. - what did you like to do?
  28. 45. - to swing
  29. 46. - to explore
  30. 49. - to have a bad time
  31. 51. – birthday
  32. 52. – to give as a gift
  33. 54. – Christmas