MOE PE Crossword

  1. 6. Every School a Good school. Every Teacher a ____________ Educator. Every Parent a Supportive Partner.
  2. 7. As part of the teachers’ pledge, we pledge that ‘We will be ____________ in the discharge of our duties and responsibilities.’
  3. 8. The mission of PSOEB is to provide leadership in physical, sports and outdoor education so as to nurture ____________ of active and healthy youths for Singapore.
  4. 10. In the JSA Logo below, what does icon number 4 represent?
  5. 11. In total, there are _________ MOE Outdoor Adventure Learning Centres.
  1. 1. One of the many functions of the Student Development Curriculum Division is to build capacities of schools through _______________, training, monitoring and partnerships.
  2. 2. The National School Games __________ was set up to support schools in the organisation of national school games.
  3. 3. Back in 1997, Mr Goh Chok Tong declared MOE’s vision to be ‘Thinking Schools, __________ Nations’.
  4. 4. The 10th ASEAN School Games (ASG) will be held in __________.
  5. 5. In its vision, PSOEB hopes to achieve a nation of active and physically __________ individuals.
  6. 9. The ___________ and Sports Science (ESS) will be implemented from 2018, to replace the existing ‘O’ Level PE.