Molecular and Cellular Radiation Biology

  1. 3. Radiosensitive cells of the skin.
  2. 5. Damage that results in the formation of structurally changed molecules that can severely impair cell function.
  3. 7. The branch of biology concerned with ionizing radiation on living systems.
  4. 12. Radioactively decays from Uranium.
  5. 13. When a hydroxyl radical bonds with another hydroxyl radical.
  6. 14. The unit associated with radioactive decay.
  7. 15. A particle that composed of two neutrons and two protons.
  8. 16. The alpha particle is 1,000 times the LET of an?
  9. 17. Mutations that arise from damage to the reproductive cells due to radiation.
  10. 18. Alpha particles are considered this type of LET radiation.
  1. 1. The removal of an electron from it's orbit.
  2. 2. Causes internal contamination through being implanted, ingested, injected, or inhaled.
  3. 3. Radioinsensitive cells in the body.
  4. 4. The law of Bergonie and?
  5. 6. Generally results from exposure of cells to doses of ionizing radiation in the range of 1 to 10 Gy.
  6. 8. The dissociation of molecules by ionizing radiation.
  7. 9. Describes biologic reactions from radiation with differing LETs.
  8. 10. Gamma rays are considered this type of LET radiation.
  9. 11. Programmed cell death.
  10. 12. Enzymes that can usually reverse cellular damage.