Molecular Genetics

  1. 5. A peptide hormone involved in blood sugar regulation
  2. 7. Sudden temperature changes are applied to the bacterial cells so that they take up the recombinant plasmid.
  3. 9. Complementary base pairs are held together by ______________ bonds formed between 2 complementary DNA polynucelotides.
  4. 11. The basic unit of a DNA.
  5. 14. ______________ enzymes are used to cut the gene of interest and the plasmid to create sticky ends.
  6. 15. DNA has a _________________ structure.
  7. 18. Process by which a gene is copied to form an mRNA.
  8. 19. The DNA sugar-phosphate backbone between the plasmid and the gene of interest is repaired using this enzyme.
  1. 1. a RNA molecule is _________ stranded.
  2. 2. Polynucleotides in a DNA molecule run in opposite direction.
  3. 3. The complementary base pair of cytosine.
  4. 4. The number of consecutive bases the ribosome reads on the mRNA at once.
  5. 6. adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine and uracil are _________________ bases.
  6. 8. Deoxyribose and ribose sugars have 5 _____ in their structure.
  7. 10. Plasmid is described as that when it contains our gene of interest.
  8. 12. An organism is described as such if it possesses gene(s) from another organism of another species.
  9. 13. UAA, UAG, UGA are ______ codons.
  10. 16. This nitrogenous base is found in RNA and not DNA.
  11. 17. Circular double-stranded DNA from a bacteria that often contains antibiotic resistant genes.
  12. 18. Process by which genetic information on the mRNA is read by a ribosome to synthesise a polypeptide.