molecular genetics

  1. 1. in the protein
  2. 6. DNA, Molecule that contains the biological instructions that make each species unique.
  3. 7. base pairs)
  4. 10. in the protein
  5. 11. and Guanine nucleotides
  6. 12. the gene is transcribed
  7. 13. DNA was helix shaped
  8. 14. by breaking phosphodiester bonds
  9. 18. Rosalind, Name of scientist who proposed
  10. 19. Spliceosome, Removes introns from a transcribed
  11. 22. Codon, A sequence of three nucleotides
  12. 23. Nucleus, Place where transcription occurs
  13. 24. Exonucleases, Poly-A-tail is degraded by ___
  14. 26. A base, sugar, and phosphate group make
  15. 27. the Nobel victory
  16. 28. to an amino acid
  17. 30. Abrv. for what carries specific amino acids
  18. 32. Cytoplasm, Place where translation occurs
  19. 34. a ___
  20. 36. Section of a gene sequence that is not
  21. 38. Initiates the starting point of DNA
  22. 39. Exons, Section of a gene sequence that is
  23. 40. of rules determining how DNA bases paired
  24. 42. Box, A promoter sequence with many T and A
  1. 2. assembly
  2. 3. to the 3' ends of primers
  3. 4. Transcription Factors, Proteins binding to DNA activating or
  4. 5. DNA strands
  5. 6. Chargaff, Name of the biochemist who proposed a
  6. 8. Helicase, Enzyme that breaks down hydrogen bonds
  7. 9. Fragments, Short segments of DNA nucleotides which are synthesized discontinuously
  8. 10. charge and size
  9. 15. DNA Polymerase 1, An enzyme that fills the DNA gaps that arise during DNA replication, repair, and recombination.
  10. 16. Electrophoresis, Laboratory technique used to separate dna,RNA or protein molecules related to the
  11. 17. transcription
  12. 18. An organism's complete set of genetic
  13. 19. Anticodon, Found at the end of a transfer RNA
  14. 20. A Tail, Adenine nucleotides on the 3' end of
  15. 21. bases are an integral component of a nucleotide
  16. 25. Crick, Surname of Watson's main partner who
  17. 29. Dna Topoisomerase, Releases tension that may build up in DNA
  18. 31. Promoter, Region of a gene controlling whether or
  19. 32. Polymerase, DNA___III works in a 5'-3' direction adding
  20. 33. that protects from degradation
  21. 35. to form "snurps"
  22. 37. snRNA, A type of RNA which combines with
  23. 38. RNA, A single strand containing Adenine, Uracil,
  24. 39. Nucleolus, Site of rRNA transcription and ribosomal
  25. 41. ribosomes