Molecular Genetics

  1. 1. This type of RNA is used to make ribosomes.
  2. 3. Fragment end of DNA that is fully base-paired after having been cleaved by a restriction enzyme.
  3. 6. 5' caps added onto transcripted DNA are made of this.
  4. 7. This type of mutation results from base pairs switching sides; is the cause of sickle cell anemia.
  5. 9. This sequence of DNA binds RNA polymerase to initiate transcription.
  6. 10. This scientist discovered the base-pairing rule for DNA.
  7. 11. Enzymes that are able to cleave double stranded DNA into fragments.
  8. 15. A cluster of structural genes located on bacterial chromosomes.
  9. 16. Coding region of DNA.
  10. 17. Small circular pieces of DNA that can enter and exit bacteria.
  11. 18. Adenine and thymine belong to this group of nucleotides.
  12. 19. The third and final step of transcription.
  1. 1. A protein that releases a finished polypeptide from the ribosome after translation is completed.
  2. 2. This enzyme removes the introns from the transcripted DNA.
  3. 4. Replicating strand that is not synthesized continuously.
  4. 5. A structure level of DNA that involves a 3D shape with major and minor grooves along its length.
  5. 8. In translation, the mRNA start codon enters this site for translation to begin.
  6. 12. This is the coding region of DNA in transcription.
  7. 13. Enzyme that unwinds the DNA helix by severing H-bonds.
  8. 14. Three bases that serve as a code for amino acids.