Mom and Dad (From Drew)

  1. 4. what was my all time favorite present
  2. 6. what was my all time favorite birthday
  3. 8. what is my favorite clothing brand
  4. 11. what is my favorite animal
  5. 13. what is my favorite NBA basketball team
  6. 15. what is my favorite season
  7. 16. what is my favorite candy
  8. 17. what is my favorite color
  9. 18. what is my favorite baseball team
  10. 21. who is my favorite teacher
  11. 22. what is my favorite food
  12. 23. what is my favorite Christmas movie
  1. 1. what is my favorite Christmas song
  2. 2. who gave me my first hair cut
  3. 3. what state have i always wanted to go to
  4. 5. what is my favorite drink
  5. 7. what is my favorite month
  6. 9. what is my dream college
  7. 10. what is my favorite card game
  8. 12. what is my favorite sport
  9. 14. what is my favorite subject in school
  10. 19. what is my favorite fast food place
  11. 20. what is my favorite iPad game