Monarch Butterfly

  1. 2. This is important to the survival of these butterflies.
  2. 6. What is a butterfly before it becomes a butterfly?
  3. 8. Each butterfly has two!
  4. 10. The third stage of the butterflies life cycle
  5. 11. This butterfly migrates to Mexico for the winter
  6. 12. It is very exciting to have it land on you.
  1. 1. The second stage of the butterflies life cycle
  2. 3. The last stage of the butterflies life cycle
  3. 4. These butterflies help us do this just like honey bees!
  4. 5. Monarch butterflies are know for their distinct colors of white, black and what?
  5. 7. The beginning stage of the butterflies life cycle
  6. 9. What stage is often called a cocoon right before a butterfly emerges?
  7. 11. This is the preferred food of the Monarch Butterfly