Monarchy and Revolution

  1. 2. What was the name of the loose government originally formed by the Americans?
  2. 4. This war was fought between 1642-1649
  3. 6. Author of the Declaration of Independence
  4. 7. opposed the constitution
  5. 8. The ten original ammendments to the constitution
  6. 10. Another name for the supporters of King Charles
  7. 15. One of the names of the supporters of King Charles
  8. 16. name given to the supporters of the Puritan Parliament, due to how they wore their hair.
  9. 20. Leader of the colonial troops in the American Revolution
  10. 23. Act that prevented American Colonists from selling goods to other countries besides Britain.
  11. 25. What was the name given to the bloodless overthrow of King Charles II
  12. 27. Who inherited the crown after Queen Elizabeth I died?
  13. 28. Charles offended many Scottish Puritans by upholding the rituals of what church?
  1. 1. During this, colonists dressed up at native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor in response to the tea act.
  2. 3. General of the Puritans, and future leader of England (Had his head cut off posthumously)
  3. 5. supporters of the constitution
  4. 9. This war was fought on the American continent. It was only called this in America.
  5. 11. What book was translated during the reign of King James?
  6. 12. Where they debated how to fix the government, and came up with the government we have today.
  7. 13. What body of congress did the King have to ask for money in order to fund his wars?
  8. 14. What country fought with the American's during the American Revolution?
  9. 17. What was King Charles I put on trial for?
  10. 18. in this 1628 document, Parliament forced Charles I to agree to 4 main points.
  11. 19. Where did the Americans defeat Lord Cornwallis and the British in 1781?
  12. 21. This guranteed the right to a trial.
  13. 22. power divided between the state and national government.
  14. 24. This act was a tax meant to force the colonists to have an official stamp on all printed materials.
  15. 26. What type of government was implemented after the death of Charles I