
  1. 4. piece of paper you fill out to give money
  2. 5. financial institution that handles money
  3. 6. owing money to someone
  4. 8. paper currency
  5. 10. card that makes transactions through own spending money
  6. 14. allows banks to manage and protect an account on behalf of a beneficiary
  7. 15. a group that makes loans to its members at low interest rate
  8. 16. money owed for goods that were supplied
  9. 17. gift of money expected to be paid back by sometime
  10. 19. mainly used to save money, linked debit card, can purchase things
  11. 20. amount of something
  1. 1. loan given when purchasing house
  2. 2. a card that lets people receive things for a cost
  3. 3. Mainly used to purchase, connected through debit card
  4. 7. A set goal amount of money that someone is allowed to pay. Usually used when someone wants to save for something
  5. 9. there to advise individuals about money and solve financial problems
  6. 11. putting into an account
  7. 12. taking out of an account
  8. 13. where money is stored
  9. 18. can be earned by the balance held in any bank account