
  1. 4. when customer talks with seller about the cost
  2. 5. when you give money to somebody
  3. 6. when you take your money from your bill or card
  4. 8. too much waste
  5. 10. bill, that you have right now
  6. 13. money, that you pay to bank for different operations
  1. 1. your bank account
  2. 2. mashine with money, where you can give them and put it on your card
  3. 3. the paper, that you take, when you buy something
  4. 7. what do you do with your money, when you buy something
  5. 9. when you owes money to somebody
  6. 11. when you don't like something, that you bought and you give it back, to shop
  7. 12. your real money (paper money)