  1. 3. Can I ___ 50 euros? I'll pay it back next Monday.
  2. 6. I wish I could ___ a huge some of money from a relative when they die.
  3. 7. My parents think I ___ a lot of money on clothes which I never wear.
  4. 8. The price of the phone includes 18% ___.
  5. 9. I can't believe the hairdressers ___ 50 liras for a haircut!
  6. 11. It's a good idea to ___ your money in dollar or euro in Turkey, as they get more valuable everyday.
  7. 12. George said he could ___ me his car today so I can drive to work.
  8. 14. Nowadays I pay everything buy contactless ___.
  9. 15. You shouldn't sell your car for 200.000 dollars, it is ___ 250.000.
  1. 1. We bought a new house, so we have to pay ___ for the next 10 years!
  2. 2. We are organising a charity event to ___ money to buy food for stray dogs in our neighbourhood.
  3. 4. They ___ me some money, they haven't paid back yet!
  4. 5. I am going to talk to my boss about my ____, I think I need to earn more.
  5. 9. Our holiday was good, but it was expensive, it ___ us 4000 pounds.
  6. 10. My parents can't ___ to buy me a new phone, I have to be careful about not breaking it.
  7. 12. He needed 50.000 dollars immediately so he asked for a ___ from the bank.
  8. 13. You need to have an ___ to get free healthcare service.