
  1. 2. most known crypocurrecy
  2. 4. A short term for advertisement
  3. 5. the currency used in the UK
  4. 8. a flat disc or piece of metal with an official stamp, used as money
  5. 9. raha
  6. 12. a small handbill advertising an event or product
  7. 15. tagasimakse
  8. 16. a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality
  9. 18. säästuarve
  10. 21. a piece of plastic that you can use to pay for things (2 words)
  11. 22. when something doesnt cost anything
  12. 24. something that is a lot cheaper that its usual price
  13. 25. somthing you get when you finish a purchase
  14. 27. a sum of money that is owed or due
  15. 29. when shops sell with a lower price
  16. 30. the currency used in the USA
  17. 31. A virtual currency
  18. 33. sularahaautomaat
  19. 34. PIN-kood
  20. 35. the currency used in Japan
  21. 36. a special low price for something is a shop
  22. 38. having completely run out of money.
  1. 1. the action or process of clearing or of being dispersed
  2. 3. a piece of paper you sign and use to pay for things
  3. 4. reklaam
  4. 6. the machine where the money is kept in a shop
  5. 7. when an item is our of stock its ... (2 words)
  6. 10. kaubamärk
  7. 11. the currency used in Turkey
  8. 13. remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position (money)
  9. 14. Money in form of notes and coins
  10. 15. The amount by witch a price is made lower
  11. 17. a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising
  12. 18. the supply of thing a shop has for sale
  13. 19. edendada
  14. 20. midagi ostma
  15. 23. Something you buy from a store
  16. 26. treiler
  17. 28. worth a great deal of money
  18. 32. the money you get back when give more that the correct amount to pay for something
  19. 37. constitute amount to