  1. 3. he study of or a record of past events considered
  2. 7. especially events of a particular period, country, or subject.
  3. 8. a book about travelling to or in a particular place.
  4. 9. the story of the life of a person written by someone else, or the area ofliterature relating to books that describe such stories.
  1. 1. the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and does not describe real people or deal with facts, or a false report or statement that you pretend is true.
  2. 2. elating to love or a close loving relationship.
  3. 4. a story in which very frightening and unnatural things happen.
  4. 5. is good quality trade books for children from birth to adolescence.
  5. 6. a book that explains how to prepare particular dishes.