
  1. 4. When you pay too much in a a shop, a cashier gives you ...?
  2. 5. You pay this at a restaurant
  3. 6. What is the amount of money that a person or business must pay to the government called?
  4. 7. What is it called when you spend more money than you have in your bank account?
  5. 8. What is the physical form of currency, such as coins and bills, that is used to make purchases?
  1. 1. What is a record of all transactions made by a person or business with their bank called?
  2. 2. What is a document that shows proof of a purchase and can be used to return an item?
  3. 3. What is the additional fee charged for borrowing money called?
  4. 5. What is it called when you take money from someone with the intention of paying it back in the future?