
  1. 2. Why did this jacket _ too much?
  2. 4. In the future I will _ a lot.
  3. 5. (on) She _ all her money buying jewelry.
  4. 7. worth Does this car _ a lot?
  5. 9. I _ my ticket to Paris.
  6. 10. My father finally _ his company.
  7. 11. My brother will _ her credit card.
  1. 1. paid Chefs are angry because they never _ .
  2. 2. She will _ me all her salary of the month.
  3. 3. I always _ all my money on makeup.
  4. 6. I really want to _ this money for traveling to Germany.
  5. 7. My cousin _ to his friend for the concert.
  6. 8. X back I will _ my boyfriend all the expenses of my birthday.
  7. 10. My sister _ the bank to many money.