
  1. 4. it has heads and tails on it,
  2. 5. to provide funding for someone or something,
  3. 8. a massive amount of money,
  4. 10. you get this back after buying something at the store,
  5. 11. it is worth 25 cents,
  6. 12. is what the whole crossword is about,
  1. 1. a fixed regular payment
  2. 2. you have billions of dollars you are a,
  3. 3. you have to get one of these in order to make money,
  4. 4. payment used in the future for credit,
  5. 6. is a system of money generally used in a specific country,
  6. 7. used to make jewelry,
  7. 9. you have a lot of money making you,
  8. 10. you get one of these after work,
  9. 12. you have millions of this,