
  1. 2. mobility A person rising to a high social class or status usually through making more money and being successful.
  2. 5. Gift Card Pre-paid cards that have a certain amount of money on them and after that money is used up it is gone.
  3. 6. Money you get from your job. Pay, salary
  4. 7. A piece of paper you can buy that is good for a specific amount of money.
  5. 8. capital Skills, knowledge, and experience that people have that make them valuable.
  6. 9. The money you earn from selling something
  7. 11. Green dollar bills and coins you can use to buy things.
  8. 13. A check you receive from your job to pay you for your work.
  9. 14. The ability to buy things.
  10. 17. Money that is given to someone.
  11. 19. card A plastic card that you use to buy things and when you swipe it the money comes directly out of your checking account.
  12. 20. This is the life cycle of money from when new dollar bills and coins are first made and distributed to when it is old and taken back and destroyed by the government and replaced by new dollar bills and coins.
  13. 22. A card to a specific store with a specific amount of money. If you do not use it for a long time you can be charged an inactivity fee.
  14. 24. benefits Extra things you get from your job besides money
  15. 25. To trade instead of buy
  16. 27. How prices go up over time. Things will cost more in the future than they cost now.
  17. 28. Money that is taken by the government
  1. 1. In society, we use credit cards, debit cards, checks and electronic payments instead of cash.
  2. 3. Transferring money online or through a computer
  3. 4. A card for a specific store.
  4. 10. Money that you make if someone pays to live in a house that belongs to you.
  5. 12. and demand The supply is how much you have. The demand is how much people want. This affects the price of goods.
  6. 15. card A plastic card that you use to buy things now with money that you borrow and then you pay for it later.
  7. 16. Money given to you from someone who has died.
  8. 18. income Money you get from not working. Money from a gift, inheritance, the lottery, gambling, or if you win it in some other way.
  9. 21. benefits Extra things you get from your job besides money
  10. 23. A piece of paper you can fill out and sign and use instead of money.
  11. 26. Money you get from your job. Pay, salary