
  1. 3. ten millions one hundred thousand
  2. 6. two thousand and twenty three
  3. 7. one hundred twenty three
  4. 8. nineteen seventy seven
  5. 9. one hundred twenty three thousand four hundred fifty six
  6. 13. one thousand five hundred
  7. 14. twelve thousand five hundred
  8. 15. five millions five hundred thousand
  9. 17. nineteen thousand seven hundred
  10. 18. two millions five hundred thousand
  11. 19. two hundred fifty thousand
  1. 1. one million seven hundred fifty hundred thousand
  2. 2. four billions five hundred four millions five hundred four thousand five hundred
  3. 4. one billion one hundred seventeen thousand five hundred thousand
  4. 5. seventy eight thousand nine hundred and ten
  5. 10. two trillions one hundred fifty five millions
  6. 11. six thousand seven hundred eighty nine
  7. 12. one million ten hundred thousand
  8. 16. ninety thousand