
  1. 1. Money used to purchase goods and services, such as toys, food, and clothes. It's what you use for everyday expenses.
  2. 6. The money you receive back when you pay more than the cost of something. It often includes coins.
  3. 8. A flat piece of paper currency used to pay for goods and services. Bills also have different values and designs.
  4. 9. Money borrowed from a bank or lender, which you agree to pay back with interest over time.
  5. 10. Card A plastic card that allows you to buy things on credit, which means you'll pay for them later. It's like borrowing money.
  6. 11. Money that you owe to someone or a bank. It's important to repay debts to avoid financial difficulties.
  7. 13. Money put into something with the hope of making a profit or earning a return on the investment.
  1. 2. The extra money you earn when you save or invest your money in a bank or other financial institution.
  2. 3. A check or electronic transfer you receive from your employer as payment for your work. It's your earnings for a period.
  3. 4. A small, pocket-sized case used to carry money, cards, and other important items.
  4. 5. The money you earn, often from a job or other sources like allowances or gifts. It's your total earnings.
  5. 6. A small, round piece of metal used as currency. Coins come in different values and often have images on them.
  6. 7. Money set aside for the future, often kept in a savings account to earn interest and grow over time.
  7. 8. A plan that helps you manage your money by setting limits on how much you can spend and save.
  8. 12. A financial institution where people can deposit, withdraw, and manage their money. Banks also provide loans and savings accounts.