
  1. 4. grow money over time
  2. 5. amount of money left over after spending and other obligations are deducted from earnings
  3. 8. someone who ether buys goods and resells them
  4. 9. borrow moeny from the bank and paying later
  5. 11. interest caluated on the initial principle which also includes all of the accumulated interest from pervious periods
  6. 12. financial institution that is licensed to accept checking and savings deposits and make loans
  1. 1. savings only exists online
  2. 2. money held in a bank account
  3. 3. charge for borrowing money
  4. 6. How you recrive money from yuor job
  5. 7. deposit account that lets you make with draws,deposits and fund transfers
  6. 10. payment collected by the government