  1. 3. a single payment made at a particular time
  2. 9. A sum of money paid in ... for loss or injury in a civil case
  3. 11. An electronic payment out of an account. The amount and frequency of a direct debit payment can vary
  4. 13. protection against possible financial loss
  5. 14. to put money into an account(verb and a noun both)
  6. 15. Occurs when money is withdrawn from a bank account and the vailable balance goes below zero
  7. 18. protection against possible financial loss
  8. 19. something given to make up for something else
  9. 20. a sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money
  1. 1. a portion of the total cost of an item that must be paid at the time of purchase
  2. 2. a specific type of loan that is used to buy real estate
  3. 4. to look at and think about something from different points of view
  4. 5. The portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholder
  5. 6. to gain or recieve good results
  6. 7. spending on capital equipment, inventories, and structures, including household purchases of new housing
  7. 8. A sum paid regularly to a person usually after retirement
  8. 10. take back; remove; take money from an ATM
  9. 12. to take away; subtract
  10. 16. management of money
  11. 17. money owed to someone
  12. 21. portion of a stock